About Us: Local Energy, Local Solutions

Duluth Energy Systems is the City-owned district energy system that has been providing reliable heat to buildings in Canal Park and Central Business Districts since 1932. In 2017, the City of Duluth was awarded state bonding support to help modernize Duluth Energy Systems during the Superior Street reconstruction and Regional Exchange District project. The system transformation has converted some customers from steam to a more efficient hot water system, transitioned the fuel mix from coal to natural gas, and updated customer mechanical and controls systems.

The system manager, Ever-Green Energy, is working closely with the City of Duluth to continue to advance the system and transition more customers to hot water. Together, these teams are implementing important updates to save energy and prepare this system for another 80 years of service.

We value the business relationships with our customers and work around the clock to deliver low-cost and reliable services from the plant in Canal Park. Our focus on customer service is expected to provide opportunities for growth.

Duluth Energy Systems is operated and managed by Ever-Green Energy.